There's Beauty In The Breakdown

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I have found that some of the most beautiful expressions of growth in my life have come from the most frustrating, sticky, out-of-control moments. Those times when all I want to do is scream or throw my arms in the air and just give up...the times when I am overwhelmed with how big my problems feel and how small I feel in comparison to them...the times when I crave control, but nothing is working out how I had planned...

Those are the times when I know a beautiful shift is about to occur. If I can get out of my mind, and into my breath and my heart long enough to remind myself that this too shall pass, then I can find so much more contentment in the process. I can allow the uncomfortable feelings to be there without fighting them, knowing that they are only temporary. And on the other side will be so much joy and awareness and even more opportunities for growth and love.

So that's where I'm at right now, just reminding myself that this phase is perfectly okay, and it's happening for me rather than to me. How can you find ways to allow your journey to unfold more gracefully? #breathelove #mondaymusings 📷: @actionhiro


Why Perfect Is Overrated


You Are Enough.