How To Manifest Love

Manifestation is all the rage these days, but can you really just “magically” create a new relationship? Well, yes and no. The good news is that love is an energy that you can cultivate on your own, and the more you do that, the more you will call it into your life (in the form of relationships, fulfilling connections, joyful moments and more).

If you want to manifest deep and lasting love in your life, it's important to know that it will require some work on your end to heal old patterns and create the space for your person to show up. There are 4 main steps that anyone can take to call in the type of love you truly desire. 

Love is who you are. Infuse it into everything you do.

  • Identify your non-negotiable & deal breakers. This step is all about getting very clear on what you do want, as well as what you don't want. That way you will have a much easier time of saying "no" to the people who show up who ultimately don't align with your values and desires. Non-negotiables are the things you cannot live without in a relationship, and deal breakers are the things you know you absolutely cannot live with.

  • Visualize your dream partnership. This step is a fun one, in that it invites you to tap into how it will feel to live life with your future love, and the types of things you will be creating and doing together. Get specific and tap into the feeling states associated with each desire! For example, see yourself traveling with the love of your life and feel in your body how exciting, adventurous, and passionate that feels. Or feel the safety of being with someone who communicates well and holds space for your emotions.

  • Explore your worthiness wounds. In order to receive the type of healthy love we truly desire, we have to heal the parts of ourselves that believe we aren't worthy or deserving of it. This is a great time to explore your attachment styles and do some inner child work.

  • Set boundaries and create space for love. Now that you are clear and ready for love, you have to make space for them to show up. That could mean physically clearing space (like in your closet or nightstand), or energetically clearing space (by finally cutting ties with your ex or ending that situationship you've been in too long). When the space is clear, they are much more likely to show up.

And most importantly: trust your timing!! I am a huge believer that if you deeply desire something (like a relationship), it is because there is a part of you that knows this is something that is meant for you in this life, and your desire for it is kind of like a premonition that it’s coming. Trust that when you have done the work, you will meet your person exactly when you are meant to meet them. That can be frustrating to hear when you are feeling impatient, but when you deeply trust in the timing of your life it actually helps to infuse hope into those moments of despair.



ps…if you want to learn more about calling love into your life, you can work with me 1:1, follow me on TikTok for fun tips, and even attend my 2022 retreat all about love!

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